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ICO Pledge Announcement

DRHS is excited and honored to announce the pledge by Island Creek Oysters of $7,000 a year for a total of five years to fund the work being done by the Wildlands Trust for the Society. We have engaged the Wildlands Trust over the past few years to help with the boots on the grounds aspects of the portion of the Society’s mission that looks to our stewardship of open space. This work includes monitoring of those properties where we currently have preservation restrictions, keeping trails cleared, other maintenance, monitoring and reporting potential encroachments, and other work for which they are uniquely skilled and equipped.

With respect to their donation, Chris Sherman said “Island Creek Oysters grows thriving coastal communities and there is no community that is more important to us than Duxbury–our home town. Culture, environment, and economy are all key elements of any thriving town. We are proud to support organizations like DRHS in their work promoting active engagement with our fishing, farming and shipbuilding heritage and their role in preserving Duxbury’s most precious land and coastal resources. For generations they have played a pivotal part in protecting these fundamental elements that make our town what it is today; we are committed to ensuring they will continue to have the resources to serve our community as we evolve and look to the future.”

Probably less well known than our museums, library and Archival facility, and our programming is the Society’s approximately 150 acres of open space, including the Round Pond parcel and trails off Mayflower Street. We currently estimate the number of people that walk on, boat to, visit and enjoy our open space properties to be in the neighborhood of 40,000 people a year. This significant usage and enjoyment is yet another truly unique aspect of the DRHS and its relationship with the Town of Duxbury.

The partnership between the DRHS, ICO and WT highlights our common focus on supporting our communities, each from a different approach, but at the same time with missions that are so well aligned in this relationship.
